
The National Galleries of Scotland shares research data on Rembrandt's Woman in Bed

22 October 2018

As of today technical documents on Rembrandt’s Woman in Bed are accessible online. The National Galleries of Scotland have been so generous to share their research data on this intriguing painting.

The Woman in Bed has an interesting conservation history. It was treated by Martin de Wild in 1929 and 1932 and by Harry Woolford in 1966. During the treatment of 1929 photographs were taken, some of which show the painting during varnish removal. These black and white photographs, as well as correspondence and a report about the treatment are now accessible online, among other documents on the painting.

Aside from technical documents kept at the museum, (meta data on) research documents from the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies (Harvard Art Museums) in Cambridge Massachusetts and from the archive of the Rembrandt Research Project (RRP), kept at the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History in The Hague, was also added to the database, including a beautiful set of black and white photographs made in 1971 at the request of the RRP. 

We are grateful to Tico Seifert (Senior Curator of Northern European Art)  and Helen Walker (PA to the Director of Conservation and Collections Management) for providing us with the research data and for working in close collaboration with the RKD on the online presentation.

normal light studies, detail (front), 2012; Rembrandt, A Woman in Bed, 164[7] dated, Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, NG 827